Back in 2005 I started a project called 'Scream'The project started out of a conversation with a fellow photographer Loyd Chapplow about how frustrated he was feeling.. he just wanted to scream. I said ok lets do it! Loyd was the first 'scream' I was surprised by the reactions that loyd had during the session.. so many expressions went across his face. The result was before or after photographs along with the actual screaming shot.This was what I wrote in the very beginning of screamWhat is scream Scream is a study of a human physicality called screaming. I intend to explore the photographically the intense emotions of a scream. Participants are invited to step in front of my camera and just let it rip, let it all out, scream at the top of their lungs. I will have a couple of questions for each person to answer. Technically I am returning to my first love - Black and white, medium format, hand developed and custom printed by me. I have chosen black and white because I believe we can see more depth in a photograph with out the psychological impact of colour. The images will concentrate on the intense emotions of a scream.I the biggest display of the show so far was during the Eastside culture crawl the images were displayed in a grid format. Watching the reaction of people viewing the images was incredible. Everyone seemed to have a smile on their face. When ever I have the photos on display its unanimous People love scream.I will be continuing this project for years to come. Occasionally asking people or putting out calls and having a 'scream' day. Newest story about 'scream' - Spring 2011 is a video from a 'Scream' Session that we did outside the Vancouver art gallery: