Enhance your professional profile - the workshop
I gave a talk to some fabulous folks at a Women In Film Breakfast meeting (Thanks Michelle Muldoon for asking) It went over well and I thought it would be a great idea to expand the talk to a workshop. Small intimate group and we will brainstorm together each persons branding/direction.
Tuesday January 12
6:30 -9:30
The old adage “ A picture is worth a thousand words” has never rang with such truth as it does today. Attention spans are getting shorter and Social media tools are giving more preferences to images over words. How do you get images that will actually speak about you, who you are, what you do, what your craft is, what your business is. Do you use the same images for all your platforms? Or will you need different images. How much of yourself do you share in your social media, or your website. This workshop is about helping you find the answers.
This workshop is designed to give you specifics on the direction your images should take. Bring yourself, and your project. It can be your personal branding, an upcoming project or your business, we will, as a group, ask and answer the questions that will help you create a plan for your branding direction.