An Introduction to D'Studio
Welcome to my wonderful studio space, lovingly nicknamed D'Studio. For the past couple of years I have been cultivating ideas concerning my space. So many people have commented how great my studio is, how open and creative one can be here. I love it, and now its time to share that love. I am very grateful to be surrounded by so many talented, creative, successful, people and there is nothing I love more, than seeing cross pollination between them (meaning you, my community).
Starting next week, D'Studio will be offering demonstrations, workshops, and presentations. My vision for my studio is to provide an intimate, informal space for learning, sharing, cultivating, creating, growing, inspiring, encouraging, and supporting each other. Within the last year I have had a few events to get things rolling. The incredible Jeff Younger gave a house (studio in this case :) ) concert before heading on his European tour. We (Willy and I) played host to a group of improv singers as they rehearsed for an entire day - so freakn cool! Plus I have been hosting board meetings, and Tutorial classes too. I can't wait to share with all of you.
Details - The space is fairly small but depending on what the workshop/presentation is it can comfortably hold 10-15 (max) people . Cost of events will vary, some will be free and some will have a fee attached to them. If you have an idea you would like to share, just shoot me an email Yes the space may also be made available for private, gatherings as well. D'Space comes complete with its own lovable mascot too!
I'm currently chatting with a few amazing folks for future workshops/presentations. Including Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg - , Jeff Younger, Mandy Rushton, and also a joint workshop between Rebecca Coleman and myself. More details to come!Next week - November 24th 6:30pmCome learn something new
Free Intro to Pranic Healing
Tuesday November 24th, 6:30 PM
You will:
- Learn what Pranic Healing is, and how it works.
- Learn the location and function of the eleven major chakras
- Experience the “Twin Hearts” mediation, the foundational meditation for Pranic Healers.
- Learn how to “scan” or feel subtle energy
- Find and scan your own inner aura.
- Witness or experience a demonstration healing
Facilitated by Andi Alexander, Associate Pranic Healer, Pranic Healing Instructor and President of Pranic Healing Downtown Vancouver Assisted by Associate Healers from Pranic Healing Downtown Vancouver.I like many of you hadn't heard of Pranic Healing check it out;Pranic Healing is a tested system of energy healing that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize andtransform the body's energy processes. The term "pranic" stems from the Sanskrit word "prana"which means life energy. This unseen energy keeps the body alive and maintains a stateof good health. Pranic Healing is the process of influencing this natural life force to bring abouta healthier physical body and to improve emotional and mental states.