Well done 'Out Innerspace'


I wanted to share with you a great example of how to make the most of photographs for marketing.  Last November David and Tiffany from Out Innerspace came to me for a shoot for their first Solo full length dance show , Me so You so Me.  I have worked with David and Tiffany before, they understand marketing and they come prepared.  They know they wanted a plain white background so the images would stand out, and boy did it ever.  During the session they already had in mind what poses they thought might work.  We went through them and did many variations (another words played!) They also thought they might make a moving gif and came up with a couple of different moves for that.  We had a blast and the session was about 2 hours long.The shoot was in November, the Premier was in January.  Plenty of time to get all the marketing material in place.  So.. with the help of Shannon from New Works (http://newworks.ca/) The photos were used all over the place!Poster, post cards, the program,

They created a Facebook  event page which used some of the images, then they would add an image approx every other day, which people would comment on.  Also the Gifs were released one at a time. There was always a reason to go back to the page:  http://www.facebook.com/events/316889438341558/ . With each new image to the Facebook page there was also a tweet. These folks covered all the angles!

[fourcol_one]Photobucket[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one]Photobucket[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one]Photobucket[/fourcol_one] [fourcol_one_last]Photobucket[/fourcol_one_last]

Also the images we took were available for the Media to use for Articles about the upcoming show: http://www.straight.com/article-575631/vancouver/out-innerspace-dance-theatres-me-so-you-so-me,  As well as Reviews (great review too!): The Straight-  http://www.straight.com/article-583256/vancouver/out-innerspaces-me-so-you-so-me-unlike-anything-youve-ever-seen  The Vancouver Sun http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2012/01/13/out-innerspace-animated-dance/

An image was also used for the Eventbrite Tickets http://outinnerspace-esearch.eventbrite.com/?srnk=1

Last but not least, an installation of 4x6 prints of the images were made for the After party... oops bad Wendy and I didn't get a photo of that .. (always take photos of your displays!)

I congratulate David and Tiffany for their awesome use of images.  All of this from just one photo session, Very cool!



That AH-HA moment


Surrounded by Nature Photographic workshop and camping weekend