Pierre - Philippe Bibeau
How many people do you know who are already working at 5am? Morning radio hosts for one! I asked Peirre-Philippe Bibeau, CBC Radio-Canada, early morning radio host of Phare Ouest. (Well, he was at the time, now he has shifted to the afternoon show Six Pieds qu-dessus de la mer.), if he would mind me tagging along one day. He said sure .. "you know I start work at 5am right?" So I headed out to Burnaby to start my day at Pierre-Philippe's home.. yes at 5am. I realized that Pierre-Philippe's whole day revolves around time, he is constantly looking at his watch. Radio is split into minutes. We caught the first sky train (did I mention early?) and had a good chuckle at people trying to figure out why Pierre-Philippe was tearing stuff out of newspapers. We hit downtown and headed into the CBC building. Pierre-Philippe has been in the news world for many years and he loves what he does... it shows. He's one of the great guys, he even brought home made banana bread for everyone, including me (it was fabulous). With ease he goes from laughter to listening, research to brainstorming, music to sports, he's in the know. Merci Pierre-Philippe and your colleagues for welcoming me for the day!There are a lot of photos here.. so please be patient while they load... Merci