'DO worlds' 'DO everlasting flora'

Art commissions, for anyone who had done one or has commissioned one you know what I am talking about. "Is it what I wanted to create?", "Is it what they wanted me to create?" "Will they like it?". The past little while my friend and amazing visual artist Siobhan Humston has been working on such a commission. I listened to her ideas as she started to think about it, ideas came and went. Then finally she had it.. THE sculpture was in her head.. she did sketches.. she did research.. she gathered together all of her materials.. she blogged about it (sort of -you can see the materials she was using for this sculpture in her blog) She then got down to it and created 'DO' sculptures. DO= Derek, Odette. (she decided that was better than OD[d]= Odette, Derek)  DO sculptures. DO…I follow along on installation day.... it was a day in the life of 'DO'...



