
Its been a busy busy time, and I love it.  When things are busy one must take care not to get overwhelmed and run down.  Taking time to stop, take a deep breath and then move on is important.  This past weekend, I did just that.  Packed my camera (yes I take photos to relax too) and Willy into Sunny (my lovely yellow Fiat) and we headed to Golden Ears Park.  It was an amazingly warm sunny day and there were lots of people enjoying too. We walk through the North Beach campground to the dog friendly beach. After a lay down on the beach, soaking up the sun, Willy and I walked the trail back to the car, taking our time and exploring areas just off the trail.  The light was incredible. These are a few of the images I created. Feeling much calmer and relaxed. Don't forget to take time to breath._WDP7304 _WDP7307 _WDP7371 _WDP7384 _WDP7386 _WDP7389 _WDP7394 _WDP7401 _WDP7403 _WDP7404 _WDP7421 _WDP7451 _WDP7466 _WDP7473 _WDP7486 _WDP7488 _WDP7493 _WDP7500 _WDP7502 _WDP7513 _WDP7517 _WDP7522 _WDP7525 _WDP7526 _WDP7536 _WDP7541 _WDP7546 _WDP7548


Celebrating Black History Month


9th Annual Milkshake party!