Put your camera on MANUAL - Create the images you imagine
Looking for something creative to do over the holidays? Come and learn to use your DSLR camera on manual instead of on Auto. I offer a hands on, non (as possible) technical workshop on just that. You will learn about F-stops, shutter speeds, lenses and light meters. We will be taking a few images as well, rain or shine.To make it extra special bring along a youth to learn with you, do it together! Daughter, Son, niece nephew, or neighbour's youth, doesn't matter. You both learn for one price. In the past its been pretty darn awesome watching parents, or uncles, or grandparents experiencing learning something new with their special youth.Holiday special - Learn together! Adult + Youth for one priceAn intensive, techy but not really techy, hands on photo workshop, the basics of photographyThursday, December 28, 12-5Location: D'Studio - 130 - 350 2nd Ave EastCost: $125(one price, 2 students)Pre-requisite: dslr with lens and desire to create the images you see in your headEmail me directly if interested - wendydphoto@gmail.com