Walking, breathing, learning

I’m sure I am not alone, I’m ready to see more than the inside of my apartment, or even more than my neighbourhood. For the last 9 months walking in my neighbourhood has saved me from going bonkers. The first few months I took my camera but then that dropped off. I switched to doing a morning photo with my phone and posting it to instagram. For a few months I just enjoyed the walking, not creating, but just being, walking and breathing. I’m happy that I’m back to bringing my camera along. On my last outing to a shoot, I stopped after at Golden ears park (which is closed) and walked along the entrance trail.

I have been playing around with video editing, nothing too involved but using iMovie. I’m really interested in combining photos and videos together. I had a wonderful experience with Tara Cheyenne Performance creating an installation video for her piece Body Parts. The original installation idea was to combine portraits of ladies with audio of those ladies’ interviews with Tara and was to be in the lobby of where her performance was to take place. Of Course, COVID. So Tara had the idea for Marc Stewart (audio genius) to create a soundtrack and I would add the visuals and make a video. I learned sooooo much. Thank you Tara for the inspiring push to try something new! See the video here

Oh ya, back to the walk at Golden ears, I decided that I would record some video, take some photos and even record some audio just with my phone. See what I could come up with. It was an exercise, an experiment. I still have a ton to learn. Not only video editing but AUDIO… that is a whole beast itself.

Here is that video, just remember its a learning exercise for me, but I really wanted to share it with you.


15th Annual Milkshake Party!


Laughter - 2020