A little Laughter to start 2024

2023 has been a whirlwind of a year! So many wonderful moments, great clients, awesome projects (including a national convention in Quebec City) and getting off this continent for the very first time (it was so awesome), plus reconnecting with friends and family in New Brunswick, phew! The year was also very hard, with loss of loved ones, strikes and the general state of the world, so much hardship. I’m ever so grateful to have an amazing group of folks around me supporting me and keeping me inspired and helping me to see the joy around me.

I go back through my photos and the end of the year and actually SEE the work, the joy, the laughter that I have been witness too. I am so happy to share this little bit of joy with the hopes that it will bring a bit of warmth to you heart.

Wishing you all a joyous, prosperous, healthy 2024!


The Portrait session part 1 & 2


Episode 2 - Setting up the Studio